Monday, May 14, 2012

Me vs. Red Hulk

Why does this muscle bounded, red skinned, bald, hulk of man want to fight me, a short, thin, glasses wearing black guy?  At the time I thought he was dumb but, after looking at it from his eyes; he the right to want to kill me.  The way he saw it I just hit “his” two favorite girls with I metal pipe.  He swung, and then crack; my ribs were in a world of unbelievable pain.  I only had time for one tear because; another was coming for my face.   I ducked just in time for him to hit my hair on top of my cut head.  That only further angered the raging man I quickly saw his decaying knee coming for my face next I jumped back to only land on my butt.  He rushed after me with vengeance that will never be matched by anyone I come across in rest of my life.  Then he landed the last blow that I could take before changing personalities.
I directly do not remember anything after the second blow but, I did get to see the rest of the fight as a result of other kids’ cameras.  I beat the giant, hulk of a man like he stole something near and dear to me, which include: a dislocated, right arm: a bruised and batter, bald skull: along with a 7 inch gash up his left leg to his knee cap.  I nearly went to jail that day from acting out a scene from a movie I had just seen. About 3 weeks after the erratic altercation, Rachel and Kristy (the girls that I “hit”), finally choose to explain what really happened that day. But the Hulk did not care he thought that I had told them that if they did not make something up then I was going to beat them again or some of that source.  All he knew was that I hit “his two most favorite girls which made me a woman beater and I needed to pay for it somehow. Then on top of all of that I beat him and that makes him look like he is a weak little boy, who cannot handle himself with a short, thin, junior, kid.  The very next day, Rachel tells me that “You should watch who is around you at all times because, Red Hulk is after you with the vengeance to embarrass you or was it to kill you!?”  I laughed at her because I thought that she was joking like she does but, I realized that she was not.  Then I feared that I would have to fight him again and from the look of the last fight I could take him if I were “Chris” on the other hand if I were “Chris” I would not know what I did or even worst I could wake-up in jail.

A few days after that, the Red Hulk was finally healed back up to his full strength and like I thought he came after me looking for a fight to reclaim his former glory as “Chief Alpha-Male of J.M.R.” As an unwilling civil man, I walked away only to be call cruel and unnecessary names as I did.  Reflecting but on it I should have kicked his teeth in but I didn’t.  Soon after that Rachel our friend choose talk to Kristy about me and the Red Hulk’s unfriendliness towards each other and how they could solve it quickly before one of us (mostly me) ends up in jail. They planned for one of us to stay after for Kristy and the other for Rachel. The next day Kristy got food poisoning from a under cooked burger but, that was not going to stop Rachel from going through with the plan.  The end of school most students meant time to go home but I stayed after because I had no ride home so I looked for Rachel because she is my best friend indifferent from her norm she was in the band hall. As we left the hall I quickly noticed that she was going to the gym, only one question kept playing in my head as we slowly approached the larger than life, blood covered, wooden double-doors “why aren’t we going to Señora Henry’s room for a “club” meeting?”  Then she quickly told me to stay here and wait for her as she went to the bathroom, slamming the doors behind herself.

 I wait for her for about fifteen minutes before I choose enough was enough and as I got up he saw me and without halting the Hulk rushed in gutting and howling as if he were a coyote. Rachel shut him up by grabbing his butt. She forced the both of us to sit on the bleachers.  At first there were only pernicious look exchanged back and forth but, I won by rolling my eyes to the back of head only to followed by “Demon, Un-Christian beast, devil lover! No ways in hell I’ma talk to him now!” I return with a laugh, “Don’t talk about my house in that way.”  He started for the door but, Rachel slapped him and told him to go back and sit down he followed the direction like a good little soldier.  I told him, “I’m no demon in reality my grandma is a priest.”  “So you aren’t a demon?” “Just the opposite my house has about 70 angels in just the living room.” The Rachel said “AWWW! Now kiss.” Now a day’s me and Red Hulk, real name Mike Helmes, are good friends and sometimes we go to church or the Scot-Irish bar (I don’t drink, he does) together.



  1. Um, wow, Darien. That's all I can say. I love to read creative pieces and you certainly went all out! Cool stuff here to read--thanks for sharing!

    1. Wow, this was very creative. I enjoyed reading this story.

  2. Sadly, none of these is false Ms. Biondi.

  3. Um, then double wow, Darien. Double wow.

  4. i like comics so i found this really cool.

  5. i love how you related a bigger friend to the hulk when you got in a fight, but it always seems that the hulk is a friend in the end. thats how it should be

  6. This was an entertaining peice to read, good job.

  7. i like this tory because i can relate. people dont know what other people are capible of

  8. I didn't even realize there was a red Hulk, but this was very creative and the title caught my attention from the get-go.
