Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ballad of the war

Upon the sister ship where we
In hopes to capture submarines
While we were out to sea
Even though we were in our teens

Sailing among the rough ocean
We captured the German submarine
We hoped that we would get a promotion
Good thing our prisoners weren’t mean

They did not act how we expected
They actually soon became our friends
We didn’t know we would be respected
Our feelings towards Germans were at mends

We went and took them ice cream
Every night before we went to bed
It seem to be a like a dream
That none of them wanted us dead

We often went down and played cards
To get to know the prisoners we had
During this time we didn’t have to be guards
This made all of us officers very glad

Only one German tired to escape
Sadly we had to end his life
Since he did not want to stay in shape
Now he won’t be able to see his wife

The Germans told us why they were in war
It was different from what we heard
Protection is what they said war was for
The true reason was so blurred

When we told them the truth
They then all began to scream
They have been lied to since youth
To them it was a horrible dream


  1. Hey Samuel I liked your ballad I'm surprised you even wrote about the war.

  2. Samm i really enjoyed reading your ballad, it had a deep meaning and was a great story

  3. I like how it changed like an actual war it's well written

  4. I really liked your ballad and it was good about the war that was going on

  5. I like the fact that it talks about what soldiers fought for, most people thought they were fighting for hitler but most were fighting to protect their homes.

  6. like the ballad about the war deep man

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. My favorite part about your ballad was how it brought it to life, kinda. You were very descriptive.

  9. Oh Samantha this was lovely. Being lied to IS like a horrible dream. Or nightmare. Whatever. Is this about a real war? I did good in U.S. history but I don't really remember anything. Boy, your writing has really changed. Remember in elementary school when we would have to do those peer edits or whatever and we were always partners? I'm glad you can spell better now. Lol. ;) Anyways, this ballad is ballin', girl. We should hang out this weekend...maybe get the whole group together. Okay. Done now. Bye.

  10. this was a great ballad it reminded me of the movie glory.

  11. Wow, Samm, look at all the comments you inspired! This was a surprising subject choice, for which I commend you. A lot of people think poems have to be absolutely personal and true, but you prove that is not so. Many good poems can be completely fictionalized, as you did here.

  12. i like the rhyme of the pome

  13. Your rhyme scheme is quite exilerating to me

  14. Really good poem and your rhyming was perfect, good words.

  15. Interesting ballad, what made you want to write about war?

  16. This was an intersting ballad to read, especially about war

  17. I like the description of how war is

  18. Samm, interesting choice for a ballad. World War II has always been interesting to me, and I think this ballad shows a different side to the war stories.

  19. I liked how you ballad was able to tell a story about something that really happened during World War II.

  20. i think its funny how you thought yours wasn't good and everyone else begs to differ.i wouldn't think that yo uwould write yours about a war but then agian you did take ap u.s. history. i like yours because hidtory interests me and you seemed to form it into a little story.
