Monday, May 14, 2012

First Period--Ballads, Ballads, Ballads

Ballads have been a popular form of music for hundreds of years. They are deceptively simple, telling a story in rhyming verse, usually in four-line stanzas, but they can truly pack an emotional punch. Think of ballads like "The Cruel Mother," which describes a young woman blithely killing her infant and then seeing its ghost as she goes through the village.

Or "Barbara Allan," the tale of a cruelly beautiful young woman whose love a young man dies for. As she walks home after watching him die, she hears the church bells ringing and feels terrible regret for her cruelty, vowing to die for him the next day just as he died for her.

In the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, we have not lost our connection with the art of the ballad. Click on any of the links to hear the following modern ballads:

Cat's in the Cradle by Harry Chapin--great song about the importance of paying attention to your kids when it matters. This is the story of a father who found out that lesson too late

The Gambler by Kenny Rogers--my favorite song when I was ten, and I still think the narrative it tells is a good one

Ode to Billy Joe by Bobbie Gentry--what I like best about this one is the fact that you don't really ever know exactly why Billy Joe killed himself or how the young woman narrating might have played a role in it

The Ballad of Ira Hayes by Johnny Cash--based on a true but very sad and tragic story of one of the Marines who raised the American flag on Iwo Jima

The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll by Bob Dylan--based on the true story of a rich young white man who callously killed an older African-American woman, and didn't pay too much of a penalty for his crime

Me and Bobby McGee sung by Janis Joplin--I like this one a lot--it tells the story of a young couple traveling around together, but they can't stay together. The best line is the repeated one "Freedom's just another word for 'nothing left to lose.'"

If for some reason you can't access the songs on Youtube, then just look up the lyrics to comment on them. Not the same effect, I agree, but at least you'll be able to read them.


  1. In keeny rogers the gambler he is talking about how a man was explaining how to gamble to a younger man and the tricks of the trade

  2. In ode to billy joe the singer was talking about how her childhood friend had jumped off a bridge and died and how after a few years her father died and brother had moved away

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll" by Bob Dylan is about a man that killed a black woman but was only sentenced to 6 months in prison.

    The Gambler by Kenny Rogers- train ride to "nowhere" and meets a man who can tell he is down on luck. The man gave the other man advice about throwing things away and keeping the things he needed.

    Cat's in the Cradle by Harry Chapin- this is about a father who never had time to spend time with his son. Everytime the son would ask to do something with his father the father would always fill him with empty promises. As the song ends the father begins to want to spend time with his son when he gets older but now the son doesn't have time for his father.

  5. Janis joplin is singing about how she lost someone she loved

  6. In the Gambler, and gambler out of bordem comes out and speaks out gambling and how to gamble, by telling how to read faces and learning when to deal your cards.

  7. In cats in the cradle, it shows that if a parent neglects their children or takes them for granted it can come back to hurt them. Their children may follow in their footsteps and use this same kind of behavior with their kids.

  8. The Gambler could relate to life in how you have to know when to walk away from something, but you also have to know when to stick it out and fight for what you want.
    The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll depicted that time in history very well since white people killing African-Americans was treated as not a very big deal.
    Me and Bobby McGee was okay, it makes you feel bad for the girl since now she's alone, but she did let him go so you don't feel bad for her at the same time.

  9. cats in the cradle was about a father and a son and the dad didnt spend time with him and it talks about how his son grew up and when he tryed to spend time his son was growing up and didnt have time and they grew apart

  10. In "me and bobby mcgee" I thought it was sad because the couple took a trip together and the girl was so in love with the boy and then her lover left.

    Makenzie Furr

  11. The Gambler is a metaphor for the way life goes. Sometimes, you're dealt with a great hand, sometimes you're dealt with a bad hand. It depends on how you play and what choices you make in the game. It's one guy telling the other the trick to life, what circumstances you're born into, you have to live with.

  12. in the ballad of ira hayes a indian who was a leader to his people was robbed of his land and then helped the people who screwed his people over, fought the war and didnt die and came back a hero but still had no land and died a drunk in the land he had so desperately fought for

  13. Cats in the Cradle is talking about how a father neer spends much time with his kid and when he grows up and tries to his son doesn't want to spend time with him. (Austin)

  14. The gambler is about two men on a train, and one of the men says he will teach the other how to gamble for the rest of his whiskey.

    Cats in the Cradle is about a father who had a son and didn't have the time to spend with his son while he was growing up. When his son grew up, he wanted to spend time with him but his son never had time.

    The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll is about a man who killed his maid and only received a six month sentence because he was rich and powerful in the community.

  15. Me And Bobby McGee: The girl was in love with the boy and she didnt have the same feelings for him later so she left. It makes you sad because she has no one and is lonely but her love for him changed so she left him.

  16. The Ballad of Ira Hayes is about a a war veteran/ Indian who went to war.

  17. Bobby Mcgee was about Bobby leaving her and how she misses him

  18. ode to billy joe is talking about a kid named billy joe who died.

    cats in the cradle is about a man how never had any time for his son

  19. In "The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll" by Bob Dylan it was sad because william was rich and he had protection by his parents he was only sentence to 6th months in prison for the murder of hattie carroll.

  20. I liked The Gambler because it bassically tells you to know when enough is enough and the gambler in the song learned that too late.

  21. In the Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll, it explains that if you are rich and famous then it is possible to get out of almost anything because William Zanzinger only got a 6 month sentence for murder. However, innocent people who don't do anything cant get the justice they deserve.

  22. Me and Bobby Mcghee by Janis Joplin. She and her lover were as free as could be, and traveled all over the place, but she eventually lost him through their travels.

  23. In Cat's in the Cradle by Harry Chapin it talked about how a father never mad any time to be with his son so later on the son did not have any time to be with his father which is ironic.

  24. The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll: tells history very well, about a young white man who kills an african american and is charged with a short sentence because of segregation and african americans being killed at the time wasnt a big issue to the white community. the young man was also rich which was an even sucess for him.

  25. The gambler is about how life is like a game of poker and how you need to think about your choices like you would your cards in poker

    Cat's in the cradle is about how if a person isnt careful life and all its joys can fly by without them realizing it

    The ballad of Ira Hayes is about how people change as they live there life with the example of a poor native american becoming a war hero and then a drunk

  26. Cat's in the Cradle by Harry Chapin-- i really liked this song because it is about how a boys dad was never there for him and the boy kept telling that his dad how he was gonna be like him when he grows up, and he did become just like his dad not having time for him.

  27. In Ode to Billie Joe--

    I believe the narrator and Billie Joe had a relationship but everyone around them disapprove so she cut ties with him and he took his life, by jumping off the bridge.


  28. The Gambler gave a stranger who he had never met life changing advice in his final words.

  29. In Ode Billie Joe it talks about how a brother and sister come in from doing things outside and sit down for dinner when their mama told them that one of their friends had jumped off a bridge.

    Cat's in the Cradle is about a little boy who always wants to spend time with his dad but his dad always leaves him disappointed. Later on in the song the dad finally wants to spend time with his son but the boy made his dad feel the same way he made him feel. The boy never spend time with his dad.

    The Gambler is about a man on a train ride to nowhere and the other man tells him he looks down on luck, so the man gives him advice.

    Leah W.

  30. The Cat's in the Cradle is about a father and his son. The father would never spend anytime with him when his son. Then as the son became older, his father wants to spend time with him, but the son doesn't have time.

  31. Kenny Rogers talks about being a gambler, meeting new faces, whskey. bad habbits basically.

  32. in the lonesome death of hattie carroll shows how rich people can really get out of anything like william zanzinger got out of death row

  33. The Gambler: tells the story of life, life has good sides and bad sides you base how you live your life based off the choices you make and how you play your cards.

  34. Janis Joplin sang about her struggles in her life and how her lover helped her get through. But when he dies she is left with nothing.

  35. Cat's in the cradle-

    After many years of neglecting and being too busy for his son.. His son was too busy for him. Taking something for granted and hoping it will be there when you get back isnt always the case.


  36. Cat's in a Cradle was about a man having his son born his son wanted to be just like his father when he grew up he didn't have time for him when he was young when his son moved out he called his son he didn't have time for him he then realized his son was just like him

  37. Cat's in the Cradle by Harry Chapin. Harry is explaining that when his son was young and wanted to spend time with his father he did not want to. But after his son grows up he wants to spent time with his son but his son does not want to.

  38. Cat's in the Cradle is about a father who was always too busy to spend time with his son, and his son promises to grow up just like him. Many years later, the father sees his son acting just as he did; not making time for his family, and realizes it's too late to fix. It's quite sad. It's meant to tell parents they need to spend time with their kids.

  39. The gambler was a ballad about two men one of which whom was informing the other tips on to gambling.

  40. In Me and Bobby Mcgee, she is singing about freedom and she wants to be with this guy, Bobby Mcgee, and he left her. I liked th song. Very relaxing.

    In Cat's in the Cradle, he was talking about a little boy who wants to be like his dad. His dad left and he's wanting to get together and have a good time. The music was really kind of cool.

    In The Ballad of Ira Hayes, it talks about a Pima Indian who was a parachutist for the Marine Corps. and rose a flag with some of his fellow parachutists, 6 of which died while raising the flag, and went home and Ira went back to war and died due to exposure. This is my favorite of the three ballads I listened to. Very Giddy and remembers our troops, even though it was from World War II

  41. The Gambler-

    Is about a man on a train and he is down on his luck and someone gives him life changing advice.


  42. the lonesome death is about a older black maid that was innocent and was killed by a wealthy white male and therefore he only got 6 months in prison.

  43. The lonesome Death of Hattie Caroll. A wealthy man kills an innocent woman who was a maid in their house, and to make it look fair the court sentenced him to time in prison, but he actually got out within six months.

  44. Me & bobby Mgee: is about a woman and bobby mgee who i assume are in a band together, and bobby singing. Being free, and traveling place to place.

  45. Cat's in the cradle is sad because the man was always away and didn't enjoy his son when he was little. Then when he wanted to spend time with his son, he didn't want to do anything with his dad anymore.

  46. Bob Dylan sang about his outlook on racism and how blacks were portrayed at the time. How a rich white man got away with murder.

  47. I think the Ballad of Ira Hayes is sad because it tells the story of an indian man whose land and water was stolen by white men and who fought for our country regardless of that. In the end he came home to be unappreciated and died after becoming a heavy drinker.

  48. The Gambler is about how life is like a game. Sometimes you have luck, but other times you run out of luck. Life is all about the choices you make, and even if it's a bad choice, life still goes on.

  49. The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carrol was about a white man whom killed a black lady, but was only sentenced to a period of six months in jail due to segregation and other discriminatory laws back in that time period.

  50. The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll is a tobacco farmer who killed a woman he didn't know that had never harmed him.

  51. The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll : i thought this was a sad song because it was about a young man who killed his maid for no reason at all and because he had rich parents, he got away with it but then went back to court and got 6months and has to live with the guilt with killing for no reason at all

    1. She wasn't his maid--she served at a hotel where he was drinking. She had another job as a maid, but wasn't William Zantzinger's maid.

  52. ode billy joe was about how there were 2 kids outside playing and there mom told them that one of the kids that was there friends jumped off a bridge and died.

  53. The Lonestone Death of Hattie Carrol: is about a 51 year old woman who is a maid to a very wealthy man. Is killed by him, and he is only sentenced for a very few months.

  54. Ode to Billy Joe was strange because its a family talking about a boy who killed himself over dinner and they are sort of brushing it off like it's just something that happens.

  55. Kenney Rogers sang about advice for gambling and life in general.

  56. Ode to Billy Joe was about a sister and a brother and the brother jumped off the bridge and the sister was devastated someone stopped by and told her that she saw a girl with Billy Joe who looked just like her throwing something off the bridge and the sister a year later the family was still mourning the death

    1. It wasn't the brother--it was a family friend. The parents didn't seem to care, but the brother seemed sort of shocked by it and the girl had some sort of unknown relationship with Billy Joe, which may have been the reason he killed himself.

  57. Kenny Rogers the Gambler. Kenny sings about how to gamble and the advice that an older gambler teaches him and how to use it.

  58. Me and Bobby McGee sung by Janis Joplin is about Janis telling people about her struggles about her hard life and she had a lover but she lost him as well.

  59. Ode to Billy Joe. Billy Joe jumped off a bridge, and it seemed as if when her family was telling her about it, not that they didnt care, but it didnt seem like it affected anything they were doing. Her parents died not long after that, and she spent a lot of time at that bridge.

    1. Only her father died; the mother sort of lost interest in living though.

  60. George Hamilton.
    The Lonestone Death of Hattie Carrol: Was sad because of the 51 yr old maid who was killed by the young tobacco farmer. It seem that her life was already tedious, and full of gloom

  61. Me and Bobby McGee sung by Janis Joplin-- i liked this song because it was about how a girl and a guy in love and nothing else mattered until she let him go and regreted doing that.

  62. Cats in the cradle relates to a lot of modern day situations amongst parents and their children. There away when they are young, and when their kids get older they never really know them like they should

  63. In Ode to Billy Joe, two kids come to dinner and their parents tell them that one of their friends had died from jumping off a bridge. After that it wasn't the same for them. A couple years later, their dad died and their mom didn't do anything anymore.

  64. Me and Bobby McGee sung by Janis Joplin-This is about Janis and bobby, and how she used to be in love with him, but later the bables began to turn.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Me and Bobby Mcgee- Bobby must be a person, and he does'nt want to be tied down because he's a free spirit. Bobby abandons her at the end. "Freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose" means we're not really free unless we have nothing. All of us have commitments and responsiblities, so very few people are actually free.

  67. The Gambler,
    is about a playing your cards right. Sometimes in life you get dealt the losinbg hand, however you must use what you have.

  68. The Gambler is about life and saying that gambling is like life, you have to know that there is a wrong and right time to do things. Also it is saying to play your cards right and live your life right.
    Me and Bobby McGee is talking about being free is also when you have nothing. It is good because you have nothing to worry about and you are free from everything, but it is also bad because you have nothing.
    Ode to Billie Joe is talking about the death of Billie Joe and his apperant sucide. It is approaching death in a happier way then most people talk about it. But you never know what exactly happend. It is a mystery story as much as a story about his death.
